How to while away your Quaran’time’

Make the most of your time at home by ensuring the holistic well-being of yourself and your family:
a. Current Trend, Indian #Throwback – Dalgona Coffee
This Instagram-worthy South Korean coffee trend isn’t new to Indian households, making many hark back to their childhood pastime of beating coffee to a creamy, frothy paste. For a healthy twist, replace sugar with honey or maple syrup!
b. A Wake-and-Bake Granola Cheesecake
For a morning surprise for the entire family, grab our crunchy muesli or nutritious granola and whip up a delicious cheesecake to give a delightful start to the day
A gluten-free staple with an Indian twist, a Cauliflower Rice Biryani might be just the thing you need to give your system and your tastebuds a much needed treat.
a. ‘Book’ yourself some reading time!
Catch up on all the books piled up on your desk or get yourself an ebook copy of the title you’ve been dying to get!
Take some time out in the day to close your eyes, gather your thoughts, set your mind at ease and meditate to enhance self-awareness and reduce stress.
c. Playing Mind Games
Whether it’s Sudoku in the morning newspaper or the large and complex jigsaw puzzles you’ve been meaning to get to, remember that exercise for your mind is just as important as for your body.
a. Let ‘Board’om Set In!
Get the whole family together and make way for some healthy competition with fun Board Games such as Scrabble, Pictionary, Taboo or even Monopoly!
b. The ‘Home’ Theater
Grab some popcorn, set out some nutritious Nourish Organics snacks and cookies, and get the whole family together for a good ol’ fashioned movie night!
c. MasterChef Family Edition
How often do you have an entirely family at your disposal to whip up an exotic feast? Give every member a specific task in the kitchen, bring it all together and have an incredible meal that you’d never have made before.
d. Connection
Drop a line to a friend living far away, or to your aunt you’ve been meaning to call back, or to your grandparents to see if they need anything.
a. Yoga
Experience the innumerable benefits of yoga first-hand! All you need to do is roll out that mat and get your asana on!
b. Daily Challenges
Even if you don’t regularly exercise, give yourself daily challenges for push-ups, squats, burpees and see how much fitter you’ll be.
c. Channel Your Inner Dancer
Whether it’s picking up a new dance form or just freestyling with abandon, there’s no better time than now to just dance your heart out!
a. Feeding our Furry or feathered friends
Let’s not forget about the animals out on the streets such as stray dogs, cats and birds who depend on human beings for their daily sustenance. Leave out some food and water to help our four legged friends out!
b. Give to let others live
Raid your pantries for non-essentials or simply make a monetary donation to a local NGO to help feed those less fortunate.
c. Be the change
The most important rule of all for your overall well-being – be kind to each other, be kind to those who need you, and be kind to yourself.